It is undeniable that the world needs more leaders who are creative, adaptive and transformative. These characteris-tics of a leader are necessary for effectively leading a community or a group. Like any other novice leaders in the field of education, it is a challenge for me to achieve these to better serve my clienteles.
The demands for today’s leaders are at high stake. New breed of leaders are not enclosed with a certain leadership style, instead, they go beyond what is expected of them. It is true that there is always something to be gained from the past educational leaders, but preparing learners of this generation require somebody who understands where they are coming from. This is where a 21st Century leader comes in.
Honing 21st Century school leaders is important because education in this era is a new frontier which caters a new breed of learners. As a leader of this generation, you should be able to plan strategies that would help teachers in facing the challenging task of shaping the young minds for the future. This is why a 21st Century leader should be creative, adaptive and transformative.
Creativity means a lot for a new breed of leader. Creativity means thinking of the unthinkable and going beyond the mainstream. As a new leader who is meant to lead a pool of teachers whose task is to develop young minds, there must be a strong desire to develop and create. A 21st Century leader should also encourage teachers to be creative in their ways and strategies through assis-tance and feed backing.
A new breed of educational leader should also be adaptive in the sense that he embraces change with the understanding that it is fundamental part of life. He must also teach his team to welcome change to continuously improve the system they have.
A leader must also see education as a preparation for life so he must give importance on task-based experience to transform learners holistically. A 21st Century leader should encourage teachers to use a real life experiences in transforming learners as glob-ally prepared citizens. He must also use life experiences as opportunities to spark development and growth among employees and clienteles.
To be a 21st Century leader is indeed a challenging task. It would require you to go beyond the usual and do things out of genu-ine service. But this type of educational leader is what we should aspire to become.
A new leader with the same vision of serving the Filipino youth but with a different approach of leading.
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