IN 2018, your favorite easy listening music station 979 Home Radio won the Best PSA Award (Public Service Announcement) on the 26TH KBP GOLDEN DOVE AWARDS for the segment “Think Before You Post”. An advocacy of the station that embarks the message on how one should behave on social media. How to respond on other people’s posts and not to offend individuals while exchanging point of views on certain issues tackled freely online. To stop Cyber bullying is the focus and main concern of “Think Before You Post” until it evolved its concern on how to combat the sha­ring of  “Fake News”.

This year as “979 Home Radio celebrates its 25th year, the station bagged a major award. The “Best Fm Radio Station” in Metro Manila on the 27th KBP Golden Dove Awards. Truly a well deserved recognition for the station’s balanced programming  which includes not only News Updates, Traffic Reports, and Public Service Announcements, but also various programs that give the listeners different genres of music which make your easy listening experience evolve into a whole new level.

Our programs: Monday-Friday

7-9am Morning Me­lodies – Acoustic & Revivals

9-12nn Emotions in Motion – 80’s & 90’s Jazzy Love Songs

12-1pm OPM HIGHLIGHTS – (Pilot Program) This promotes pure OPM Music for one full hour. The show features live performances of your favorite OPM artists and uprising individuals. Can be seen on FB Live! Via 979Homeradioofficial and uploaded on our Youtube channel 979Homeradioofficial. (subscribe now!)

5-8pm Totally 80s! – Your drive time will ne­ver be the same again. This is the only timeslot on 979 Home Radio that plays all fast tracks that you can enjoy while dri­ving home from work or school.

Sunday All Day Classics – (Sunday) The best of the 70’s & 80’s Love Songs the whole day.

979 Home Radio has diversified its programming style with tips and trivias that truly one can relate to. Informative and interes­ting stuff for the whole family!

These segments are hand picked concepts which represent itself as infomercials.

1) Think Before You Post- A Social Media Responsibility Reminder. Awarded as the Best Radio PSA on the 26th KBP Golden Dove Awards.

2) SILOG- Home made all day breakfast of Pinoys.

3) OVENFRESH-Home baked goodies.

4) ICE- Tips on what to do “In Case of Emergency”.

5) Dine Manila- Your Food & Resto guide on Radio.

6) Way Back When- Remembering the significant moments in history that shaped the world today.

7) Famous Birthdays- Announcing the birthdays of celebrities and other prominent personalities.

More fresh segments coming out soon that you shoudn’t miss!

Other standard segments include:

1) The Home Radio Network News- Top Of The Hour News.

2) Road Patrol- Traffic Reports delivered by Trapik.com.  Sponsored by Isuzu Gencars.

We would like to thank all our listeners and followers for their invaluable support.

Station Manager: Mr. Braggy Braganza

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