BIR Chief Lumagui Awarded by National Tobacco Administration for Leading the Fight Against Illicit Tobacco Products

Bureau of Internal Revenue Commissioner Romeo D. Lumagui Jr. was awarded by the National Tobacco Administration under the Department of Agriculture for his consistent leadership and programs against illicit tobacco products. Commissioner Lumagui received his award during the NTA event held last August 3, 2023. During said event, he discussed the topic of ramping up government initiatives to combat illicit trade.

“Illicit tobacco products is a scourge of our economy. The BIR will hunt down all illegal traders of tobacco. We must level the playing field so we can attract investors. We have done nationwide raids of illicit tobacco products, and we will continue to do so” the Commissioner stated.

Under the administration of Commissioner Lumagui, the BIR had its first nationwide raid of illicit tobacco products last January 2023. He repeated this historical feat by having another nationwide raid last July 2023.

Commissioner Lumagui, and the whole of BIR, appreciates the award given by the NTA. This serves as a recognition to the efforts made by hundreds of revenuers that participated in the nationwide raids against illicit tobacco