IN line with the Bureau of Internal Revenue’s (BIR) tax awareness campaign, a nationwide “Search for the Philippines’ Brightest Buwis Masters (PBBM)” of 2023 is being conducted, which is open to all college students.
The competition will start at the Regional Level to be conducted by twenty-two (22) BIR Regional Offices from June 26 to July 7, 2023. The 22 Regional Champions will then compete at the National Level (Championship Round) to be held on July 28, 2023 at the BIR National Office.
The participants will face challenging rounds of tax-related quizzes and examinations designed to assess their knowledge of the tax laws, specifically pertaining to Income Tax, Value-Added Tax and Percentage Tax, as well as the BIR’s registration requirements.
The Top 3 Grand Winners of the BIR National Tax Quiz (Grand Champion, 1st Runner-up and 2nd Runner-up) will be declared as the “Philippines’ Brightest Buwis Masters (PBBM)” of 2023. They shall receive Plaques of Recognition and cash prizes while their respective college/university shall receive a trophy.
“Through this competition, we hope to get the interest of the youth sector in taxation considering that they are our future taxpayers”, said Commissioner Romeo D. Lumagui, Jr.
The details about the competition are contained in Revenue Memorandum Circular (RMC) Nos. 64-2023 and 67-2023 posted at the BIR Website (