Learners need to be educated so that they will become productive citizens in our society.

As molders of the future, teachers prepare learners and help them to qualify for work, integrate them deeper into society, and teach them values.

While there are a lot of factors that may create an impact on the education process, the keys to making the education system successful and effective for learners are a lifelong vocation.

At the Bical Elementary School in Lal-lo, Cagayan, we ought to inculcate into the minds and hearts of students the value of studying.

Yet, we know that many students seldom feel that they have pleasure and relaxation at school because of peer pressure, homework, seatwork, and extra-curricular activities

For these students, they must imbibe the art of studying, which is acquiring and storing knowledge and skill and one of the most effective means is reading. Reading is an avenue to a variety of information and knowledge because one must forever learn more and reason better.

Because it is not a simple thing but a lifelong process, the difficulties measure learners to be future builders. Learners face the challenge to initiate bridging the pupils’ native tongue or first language to Filipino as a second language and English as a third language. A cognitive link by associating meaningful vocal sounds with graphic symbols in Mother Tongue (like Ilocanos here in Bical) prior to linking with the first language and then the third language.The conduct of oral reading and written comprehension tests in Mother Tongue are needed. This is needed as we work into possible ways and means to help learners.

Education gives us knowledge of the world and develops us to have a shield from the rigors of life. As we explore ideas, we become creative, and we become productive. Teachers would be noble providers for learners so that good education will be attained.