Master Teacher 1, Fugu Elementary School
SDO City of Ilagan, Most Outstanding Master Teacher 2018
THE GLOBAL and local landscapes are continuously changing. Characteristically dynamic and volatile, the ordinary individual has no other alternative but to be equipped with human values, competence and mathematical skills. Man’s best equipment is Mathematics which aids him in his daily chores of counting, buying and selling, cooking, and planning his daily expenses. In this modern and challenging world, learning Mathematics concepts and skills effectively is vital to one’s survival for it provides a powerful means for understanding and analyzing the world. Mathematical systems have become such a fundamental part of people’s everyday lives. The things people come to look upon in everyday necessities would be impossible without Mathe-matics.
Mathematics is one of the most useful and fascinating areas of human knowledge. It is an essential tool in the development of modern technology. Its role is very crucial because numbers are the basis of all things. It is indeed important that young people understand the Mathematics they are learn-ing.
According to K.W. Ford, author of the book Mathematics’ Role in Science & Technology said that “Science and Technology without Mathematics is unthinkable. In fact, nothing in this world would be invented, discovered or made without passing the streamline of the most basic Mathematics. Among all the other fundamental subject area in education, Mathematics is one of the most indispensable. From the finest and simplest activity at home to everyone’s involvement in his environment, Mathematics play an important role. Most of the development that have taken place in the world may be attributed to the rapid advancement of science and technology in which Mathematics has an inevitable role.” Being one therefore of the tool subjects, it needs to be emphasized and its teaching be strengthened to meet the needs of the learners in this fast changing time.
Obviously, there is a great importance in having to know basic Mathematical skills. Everything we do involves Mathematics, for man uses Mathe-matics from cradle to grave.
Despite the needs and importance of mathematics, many studies and researches revealed that the interest of learners in the field of Mathematics is de-teriorating. This statement has been proven, based on DepEd findings, the Philippines has not met the standards to compete in an international level. Our country ranked 39th in Mathematics among the 41 countries in the 2003 TIMSS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study).
Learning Mathematics is very crucial. Thus, teachers seek to improve their teaching effectiveness by changing their instructional practices. Today, a lot of innovations are employed to make Mathematics learning more interesting, exciting and fun, one of these is the use of games in teaching. The use of games requires personal involvement of pupils which enhances and improves their achievement. Learning mathematics in a motivating, fascinating and enjoyable way is a first and foremost thing to be considered. Like any other instructional activity, mathematical games are played in the classroom for the purpose of practicing newly acquired skills, further develop or reinforce skills, develop new concepts and foster the development of logical thinking. The success of Math games, like any other teaching classroom materials, is highly dependent on how it is used. Math games should serve a real function in the lesson. It should be used at the right time, for the right purpose, and in the right way. It provides healthy competition, ensures quick feeling of some satisfaction and employment and builds confidence in being able to participate in group effort. Pupils learn more and learn better when engaged in the learning process.