Takbo Para Sa Kalikasan

Event Details:

Takbo Para Sa Kalikasan in a four elements series (Fire, Water, Air and Earth Run) will hold its 5th year. This is a yearlong benefit run series organized by Green Media Events Company. Thus, despite the pandemic and current situation we have right now, we still aim to urge the public to partake in environmental conservation amid the drastic impacts of global warming.

Last Year (2022), we donated Cash and Groceries to our beneficiary (Pawikan Conservation Center). As such, Coastal Clean Up and Tree Planting together with the volunteers, ambassadors, staff and portion of TPSK registration were used to make these environmental activities possible. We thank you for those who are part of our advocacy.

As we face this endemic season, we still wanted to continue the environmental initiatives such as Tree Planting (Sponsor a Tree), Coastal Clean Up, Recycling, BYOB “Bring Your Own Bottle”, Save Pawikan Creatures, Support Homemade resources, Donate to Conservation Projects, Plogging Activities, Proper education about climate change, Conduct Share a Care Programs and extending corporate partnership to duplicate our efforts.

Race Categories for Fire Run:
5km 10km 16km
950 1000 1050