EVERYONE is keeping up with technology and innovation, embracing what is being offered at the moment.

In a collaboration report, The McKinsey Global Institute and Pluralsight stated that there will be ano­ther industrial revolution by 2025.

Ten technologies will be up once again to fuel the global eco­nomy in 2025:

  1. Mobile.

An additional 4.3 billion people can have access to an internet connectivity.

  1. Artificial Intelligence.

Since several users are relying on AI, the more it will open doors for productivity but some are warned of its ethical uses.

  1. Virtual and Augmented Reality.

In one article of Pluralsight, Goldman Sachs has released that it is betting on an increase by $80 billion market on Virtual and Augmented Reality market.

  1. Cloud Technology.

Since the public cloud is improving its security measure, it is expected in the future that more enterprises will rely on cloud technology.
  1. Internet of Things.

Right now, there are 9 billion devices connected to the internet, it is predicted that it will rise by 50 billion and up to 1 trillion.  As early as now, some companies are beginning to monitor and secure pro­ducts, systems, devices and users.

  1. Advanced Robotics.

This is a real plus, it opened the door for creatives and designing. An advanced robot is expected in the next five years.  Children are fascinated with a robot waiter in Jollibee at SM Aura.

  1. Biometric Technology.

It was revealed by Pluralsight that 72% of companies are deciding to drop the traditional passwords by 2025.  Thus, paving the way for face, eye, voice recognition and hand and signature identification.

  1. 3-D Printing.

This will give rise to a new level of mass customization in 3-D prin­ting, that will result in reduction of cost supply.

  1. Genomics.

Genetic Engineering will play an important role in the improvement of agricultural production. Faster processing is truly on the go.

  1. Blockchain.

This is known as Bitcoin. However, there are new blockchain users in around 200 companies. Its commercial use will still be popular.

These are promising in techno­logy and innovation but challenges will still be surmountable. Training of employees is one of the suggestions of The McKinsey Report, with focus on education and retraining programs.

A new mindset is definitely needed to embrace these development, new skills that will fit in the new workplace.