Atty Manuelito Luna

THE Office of Presidential Anti-Corruption Commission Commissioner Atty Manuelito Luna, in coordi-nation with the Department of Interior and Local Government, will go after local authorities, including punong barangay and kagawad, who cause unnecessary hardships or force residents to violate Community Quarantine Protocols by their failure to utilize appropriate resources or funds, despite the issuance of Proclamation No. 922, s. 2020, declaring a State of Public Health Emergency Throughout the Philippines; and Proclamation No. 929, s. 2020, declaring a State of National Calamity Throughout the Philippines. “At the moment, my office, with the assistance of the The Fraternal Order of Esgles-Philippine Eagles, the National Press Club and the Office of National Youth Commission Commissioner Victor Del Rosario by virtue of our cooperation agreements, are already gathering information nation-wide in this regard.” “We will exact accountability against these officials.”

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