PAG-IBIG Fund is the most-trusted government-run corporation according  to a nationwide trust survey of key institutions in the Philippines.

This is according to the 2021 Philippine Trust Index (PTI), a nationwide  survey by the EON Group that cuts across backgrounds to measure  Filipinos’ trust in the government, the business sector, the media, non governmental organizations, the Church, and the academe.

“We are truly honored to be included in the list of most trusted  government agencies. The latest results of the Philippine Trust Index and  our 9th straight unmodified opinion from COA show that we have  fulfilled our duties during the pandemic while still maintaining the  highest standards of transparency and integrity in our work. This is  aligned with President Duterte’s vision of clean government with heart for  service,” said Secretary Eduardo D. del Rosario, who heads the  Department of Human Settlements and Urban Development (DHSUD) and the 11-member Pag-IBIG Fund Board of Trustees.

The 2021 PTI noted that “in terms of government agencies, departments  that got the highest trust are those whose functions require them to  remain engaged with the public, even during the pandemic such as online  learning, finance regulation, loan assistance and aid distribution.”

The Department of Education earned the highest trust rating of 91%  followed by Pag-IBIG Fund at 89% – the highest among GOCCs on the list.

“On behalf of all Lingkod Pag-IBIG, thank you for your trust, our dear  members! As you know, we never stopped providing service even during  the lockdown and community quarantines. Instead, we improved our  digital assets so you can continue transacting with us online. We have  proven that during this health crisis, you can always count on our  Lingkod Pag-IBIG brand of service. And, while we have previously  received awards and recognition, we are even more grateful that it is the  public itself, the people we serve, that ranked us as the most  trustworthy GOCC in the country for 2021,” Pag-IBIG Fund Chief  Executive Officer Acmad Rizaldy P. Moti said.